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东北网2021年06月01日新闻汇总:苹果iPad上市两月销量已达200万台 2021-06-01 14:05 [568][ 东北网黑龙江 ] 哈尔滨市一户居民家中起火 七旬老太被浓烟熏死 2021-06-01 14:04

A polar bear rests on the snow


As part of her ongoing series, Dr. Thea Bechshoft responds to a reader's question with a thoughtful and surprising answer.

Graphic showing how to tell a male and female beluga whale apart


Beluga Bits relies on visual data that volunteers classify, helping scientists learn more about these fascinating whales.

A mother polar bear with two cubs


In a report published today in Nature Climate Change, scientists calculate “timelines of risk” for polar bears, exploring two greenhouse gas scenarios.

moms and cubs


【今日头条】:2021-4-4 · 英媒质疑FBI和苹果:120英镑小装置就可破解密码 150名日本自卫队士兵今日进驻钓鱼岛附近岛屿 中国赛-特鲁姆普首亮相大胜 傅家俊5-0晋级16强 新生婴儿缺氧神经受损 父亲不告而别(图) 网友晒草稿纸 算国足出线概率为41.26%(图) 动图-詹姆斯1V2统治禁区 强硬

A polar bear mother her young cub.

Polar Bears Reluctant to Abandon Dens, Even When Disturbed

A new study highlights the need for more effective den-detection methods to protect denning moms and cubs from heavy equipment and other disturbances.

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Our live Polar Bear Cams of the annual gathering of polar bears in Churchill, Canada have ended for the season. Until they return next fall, enjoy our live Beluga Cam and highlights of the bears from 2024! #arcticinspiration

Other cameras:

Polar Bears and Their Habitat

Bear Tracker

Follow polar bears as they journey across the ice.


Polar Bears

东北网2021年02月24日新闻汇总:苹果前CEO操刀推出新手机 外形有点像iPod 2021-02-24 14:17 [608][东北网娱乐] 周星驰赚6亿 《美人鱼》票房duangduang上涨 2021-02-24 14:17 [609][东北网国内] 老太坐越野带一家子偷年货 行窃时穿黑貂戴金饰 2021-02-24 14:17 [610][东北网国内] 囧!

Discover Polar Bears


A threat to polar bears and the sea ice they depend on.

Learn More

“The only way to save the bears and their sea ice habitats is to control temperature rise through greenhouse gas mitigation.”

Dr. Steven C. Armstrup

It's not too late. Act now to effect change.

Your actions today will help prevent potentially catastrophic changes from taking place—not only helping polar bears, but also preserving the climate that has allowed humans to flourish.

Act Now
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